What Does It Mean When Someone Says That Art Conveys 1000 Words
Y'all meet colors in everything around you, every moment of the day—only practice you ever cease to think about the impact each of those colors is having on you? Whether information technology's the calming effect of blue skies and fields of green, or the saliva-inducing reddish and yellow of your local fast nutrient chain, each colour has a meaning and taps into emotions. There'south a whole science (and art) in the meanings of colors. Every bit an entrepreneur or designer, it's essential to exist aware of these color meanings to help you lot choose your colors wisely and tap into the magical power of color symbolism.

Colors can be a powerful tool—if you know how to employ them. For a business—whether information technology'south yours or your client's—there are all sorts of places where color comes into play. You might immediately think of branding elements like the logo, business organization cards and stationery. Color choices will also be meaningful across online communication and marketing materials: your website, social media, emails, presentations equally well as offline tools similar flyers and production packaging.
Where do color meanings come from?
Millions of years of biological workout have created certain associations between colors and objects or emotions, while some associations may be more recent. Understanding these associations will give y'all a shortcut to people'due south hearts, provoking a specific emotion and possibly even a behavior. Feelings are much more powerful than rational thoughts based on facts and figures and applying color meanings and colour symbolism will make your branding efforts and designs much more effective.

Colour meanings stem from psychological effects, biological workout and cultural developments. Some colour meanings are deeply rooted in our brains because they're visible all around united states of america, similar red equally the color of burn down being associated with warmth or green with nature. We're biologically wired to pay attention to bright colors because brightly colored animals or plants are oftentimes poisonous. We're fatigued to ruby fruit over green fruit because the color indicates ripeness and sweetness.
Other colors have adult cultural meaning over time and their meanings take been adopted by club, such as pink as a color for girls and blue for boys in Western cultures (which hasn't ever been the instance).
Here are a few things that tin have an touch on the meaning of colors:
- Cultural differences—Red represents expert luck in Red china but in Due south Africa information technology'south the color of mourning. Americans associate green with money every bit that's the color of dollar bills but that isn't the case globally. Black is the colour of mourning in Western countries, while in some East Asian countries it's white. In the US green is the color of envy, while in Germany it's yellow. You'll demand to be sensitive to these differences depending on where y'all are operating.
- Time—Colors may also alter in significance over time: reddish used to be seen equally a strong, masculine color while bluish was a feminine color suited for girls.
- Shades and tones—A color may accept a general meaning, but lighter shades tin vary dramatically compared to darker shades, while more natural, muted shades will differ from artificial neon colors. Make certain that you look at the specific associations of the different shades and tones. For case, if y'all're using neon greenish, don't assume that only considering yous've chosen a shade of green it'south going to exist a good fit for an eco-friendly brand. Similarly, a bright magenta will have a totally different meaning from a muted pastel shade of rosé, even if they are both shades of pinkish.
- Color combinations—If you're using more than than one color y'all need to exist aware of how color combinations affect the overall meaning. They can enhance each other, make each other pop, blend together or fight with each other. You'll demand to give some thought to their combined meanings and what outcome yous want to achieve with your combination. Color theory will assistance you understand the relationships betwixt colors.
Now permit'south explore what all those colors hateful…
The meanings of colors
Red is for energy, passion and danger

What red means:
Red is associated with the heat of energy, passion and love. We "see ruby-red" when nosotros're angry and it's also the color of blood, ability and danger, making information technology a powerful color in branding. Call back of the bold red of a fireman'due south truck or the 'finish' sign in traffic. Ruby-red is also said to stimulate ambition, which is why information technology's popular in fast food bondage—nearly famously in McDonald's, which combines red with some other primary color, xanthous.
Netflix uses red to attract users to its platform, with red calls-to-action to join or sign in. Some other famously ruby-red brand is Coca-Cola (and, every bit the story goes, information technology was Coke's marketing campaign that branded Santa Claus ruddy). It volition be interesting to see what happens with Coca-Cola'south recent packaging redesign as they move away from that iconic red to match its new Diet Coke flavors with other colors.
How to use it:

If y'all have a loud make and desire to stand out, then red could exist the color for yous. Its loftier energy makes it a neat selection for caffeine drinks, fast cars or sports. With its appetite-stimulating qualities, it'southward a good match for restaurants who want to bring in hungry customers. Information technology can also be used as an emphasis color to draw attention to something on your packaging, or to get visitors to 'buy it now' on your website.
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Orange is for inventiveness, youth and enthusiasm

What orange ways:
Equally a secondary colour, orange combines the warmth and heat of red with the playfulness and joy of xanthous. It attracts attention without being equally daring as red, and is used for warning signs like traffic cones and high-visibility clothing. It'southward an energetic color that tin bring to mind health and vitality, given its obvious link to oranges and vitamin C. It's a youthful colour as well, bringing an element of vibrancy and fun.
A skillful example of using orange to connect with a young audience in a fun fashion is Nickelodeon. To promote energy and activity, Gatorade uses an orange lightning bolt, while orangish is too a popular color for tropical drinks like Fanta. There may exist unusual historical reasons behind a make's choice of color: luxury brand Hermès chose orange because it was the only paperboard available during World War II! It'south a confident color merely not normally associated with luxury.
How to use it:

Orange can be a great choice for a youthful and artistic make that wants to exist a fleck unlike to the mainstream. Information technology'southward a friendly color that besides stimulates action so, like red, it can exist used as an accent colour to catch the eye and promote activeness.
Yellow is for happiness, hope and spontaneity

What yellow means:
Yellow is the colour of the dominicus, smiley faces and sunflowers. It's a happy, youthful color, full of hope and positivity. It's another colour that grabs your attention and for that reason can also be used to signify caution, similar red and orange.
The golden arches of McDonald's (well, they're yellow, really) are a globally recognized symbol that can exist seen from far away and immediately gets associated with fast food. In the aforementioned manner, Best Buy's yellow tag indicates a reduced cost for its cost-witting customers (say that quickly 3 times!).
How to use it:

Yellow is a bully pick if speed, fun and low cost are attributes that y'all want associated with your brand. Exist careful with different shades, though: a bright yellow will take hold of people's attention right away and it's a useful mode of highlighting or accenting a design, a pale or warm yellow can look natural and salubrious, while a neon yellow tin can instead be very bogus.
Green is for nature, growth and harmony—but likewise wealth and stability

What green ways:
Green is universally associated with nature, linked as it is to grass, plants and trees. It also represents growth and renewal, beingness the colour of spring and rebirth. Some other association is "getting the green light" to become ahead, giving information technology an clan with taking activeness. In the US, green (and peculiarly dark green) is also associated with money and then represents prosperity and stability.
Green is also ofttimes seen as a fourth colour on height of the chief crimson, yellow and blue (think Microsoft and Google), bringing a sense of visual balance and, as a result, a soothing and relaxing influence. Famous brands that apply unlike shades of green include Starbucks, Spotify and Whole Foods Market.
How to utilize it:

The connection to nature makes light-green a natural choice (meet what I did there?) for a make that's eco friendly, organic or sustainable. As with yellow, exist wary of the fact that while muted or lighter shades of green can represent nature, neon versions will have the opposite effect and will feel more artificial and less harmonious. On a website, a green call to action can suggest 'become'—although the battle rages on with ruby-red buttons, which can instead propose urgency.
Blue is for calm, trust and intelligence
What blueish ways:

Blue is a serene and calming color that represents intelligence and responsibleness. Blue is absurd and relaxing. Light infant blue is peaceful, while nighttime blueish can signify depth and power. It is the most pop color in the world, both when it comes to personal preferences (for both genders) and usage in business logos. Information technology's the go-to color for trusted, corporate institutions, often in combination with a mature grey:
- IT companies e.g. Intel, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Dell
- Finance institutions e.one thousand. American Limited, Visa, Goldman Sachs, Paypal
- Big corporations due east.thousand. Procter & Risk, General Electric, General Motors, Boeing and Lowe's
- Blue is also the natural choice for professional person network LinkedIn.
Interestingly, blue is the colour of pick for many other social networks as well. Facebook is blue—plainly because founder Marking Zuckerberg is cerise-greenish color blind and blue is the most bright colour that he tin can see. The association with trust and dependability does work well in the context of a social network, with all the concerns around information privacy and so on, and you'll find that Twitter is as well blue, as are Instagram, Russia's VKontakte and even social media site Mashable.
How to employ it:

If you want to be immediately associated with professionalism and trust, then blue is the color for you. Since information technology'southward universally liked, information technology's besides a corking choice if you want to entreatment to both men and women. Its association with calm and quiet means that blue is also a practiced fit if your business is in things like relaxation, therapy or meditation.
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Purple is for luxury, mystery and spirituality

What regal means:
Imperial is an interesting colour: it'due south both warm and cool and combines the passion and energy of reddish with the calm and tranquility of blue. Considering of its associations with royalty, purple is inherently prestigious and luxurious. Purple dye was historically expensive, which meant that only wealthy rulers could afford it. The ruling classes and kings and queens of old would habiliment royal and Queen Elizabeth I even forbade anyone outside of the purple family from wearing it. Purple is likewise associated with religion and spirituality, since the ancient rulers were thought of equally descendants of the gods and the color holds a special meaning in religions including Catholicism, Judaism and Buddhism. On top of all that majestic is on tendency, Ultra Violet beingness Pantone's option for color of the year 2018.
Funnily enough, brands are non always as strategic in choosing colors equally they should be. Yahoo, as the story goes, ended up purple because that was the cheapest paint color available to renovate the offices back in the early days. You lot can see a more typical use of regal in the Asprey brand, a British luxury company with a heritage that goes back to the 1700s and a Royal Warrant for every British monarch since Queen Victoria.
How to utilise it:

Utilise purple when you want to evoke those luxurious, royal connections—combine it with gold for that actress 'wow'. Or apply it when yous want to add a dash of mysticism and spirituality to your make. Add some greenish for a really hit dissimilarity or with pink to emphasize the feminine.
Pink is for femininity, playfulness and romance

What pink means:
In modern times, it'southward impossible to run across pink and not think of little girls, cotton candy and brightly colored bubble gum. Pinkish represents femininity and romance, sensitivity and tenderness. Information technology'south inherently sweet, cute and charming.
Together with brown, pink is among the least mutual colors in logos. Typical uses of brilliant pink include Barbie and Cosmopolitan, with their obvious target markets, and Baskin Robbins and Dunkin' Donuts who are tapping into the 'sweet' side of the color. Hymeneals companies and other feminine brands often favor a lighter pink. Less typical uses include Lyft and TMobile—both challenger brands, who aim to stand out from their competitors and bring an element of playfulness and approachability.
How to use it:

Using pink is a quick shortcut to communicating "this is for women" and if you know information technology'll entreatment to your female target market, so information technology'south a great option. For some audiences, though, it tin exist off-putting and y'all may desire to be more than artistic in communicating femininity without resorting to clichés. Y'all can too utilise it in unexpected ways to stand out versus your deadening and dreary competitors or add a surprising element to an otherwise sophisticated design.
Brown is for wholesomeness, warmth and honesty

What brownish means:
Brown is a natural colour, associated with the earth and as a consequence giving a sense of stability and support. Given its link to the world and nature, brown brings to listen farming and agriculture and other outdoorsy activities. Information technology's warm and friendly, applied and undecayed, and can as well represent the old fashioned and well established.
Brown is not used that often in logos. When information technology is, it tends to represent utility. Although blue is the typical corporate color, UPS has used brown to represent dependability (along with a after addition of yellow to bring an element of warmth and friendliness). Up until recently (well, 2010), they even used the color in their tagline: "What can chocolate-brown do for you?"
How to use information technology:

Brown is a warm, neutral colour that you tin utilize as a background that conveys warmth and wholesomeness. Use it for an bawdy brand and in a natural pairing with light-green to actually capture that organic feel. You tin can also employ brown to requite the impression of a well-established heritage and a sense of tradition. Brownish works well for chocolate brands, for obvious reasons.
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Black is for elegance, power and sophistication

What black means:
Black is an incredibly versatile color and probably the near used color in graphic blueprint. When it comes to branding and marketing, black is generally associated with exclusivity, power and elegance. Information technology's bold, powerful and a little mysterious, which makes it a firm favorite of modern brands. Depending on the design context, it tin can be used to create a cool and unapproachable look as well. At the aforementioned time, information technology's an inherently neutral color that works well in combination with any other color and is often used for typography and other central, grounding design elements.
Luxury brands like Chanel and Dior keep things fashionable with an iconic black-and-white logo. Brands like these want to exist a lilliputian intimidating and unapproachable as that makes them more exclusive and aspirational. The James Bond 007 logo is black. Newspaper logos also tend to be in black, given the celebrated black-and-white printing presses. Of course, most brands will take a black-and-white version of their logo as printing in blackness and white tends to exist cheaper than color printing.
How to utilise it:

If yous want to convey a sense of luxury, yous can't become wrong with a unproblematic black-and-white colour scheme. Combined with a golden, argent or why not a regal purple, y'all'll requite your make an air of exclusivity and prestige. On the other hand, black can also be used with bright colors for contrast and when combined with other powerful colors like crimson or orangish it can exist extremely impactful and thrilling.
White is for minimalism and simplicity

What white ways:
If yous know your science, then you'll know that white lite actually contains all the colors of the rainbow—just to the naked eye at to the lowest degree, white is the reverse: information technology's the absence of any color. In Western cultures it'south frequently associated with virginity (call back of brides wearing white on their hymeneals day as a symbol of purity), while in some East Asian countries information technology'south the colour of mourning. When used in design and branding, white creates a minimalist aesthetic. Information technology can exist very unproblematic, make clean and modern. It'southward likewise the most neutral color of all and tin be quite non-descript equally a base of operations for other, more exciting, colors.
Apple tree's advertizement and packaging give a powerful analogy of how white can be used for a mod and minimalist artful that puts the beautiful product design center stage. Marc Jacobs prints a simple blackness logo onto white luxury retail boxes and shopping numberless. Wellness and beauty brands that want to convey an air of purity and natural ingredients will also tend to use white in their packaging. Information technology's an obvious fit for wedding brands likewise.
How to use it:

White infinite can be every bit important in a blueprint as all the other creative elements. White tends to be the color used for website backgrounds as it ensures that your text is easy to read. It's also often used as a secondary accent in a color scheme. Together with pastels, it tin can bring to mind spring and femininity; combined with simple blackness it becomes classic and minimalistic. When it comes to white, information technology's a lot about the colors yous put it with.
Gray is for professionalism, formality and conventionality

What gray means:
Grey is a more mature, responsible color, associated with the grayness hair of onetime historic period. Its positive connotations include formality and dependability, while the negative side can mean being overly conservative, conventional and lacking in emotion. It's safe and quite subdued, serious and reserved.
Gray is rarely the star of the show. Nintendo briefly favored a grayness logo from 2008 to 2016 but has since gone dorsum to its earlier scarlet. Jewelry brand Swarovski does have a gray logo, although if y'all expect at the website the version used there is black. You're more than likely to see the color gray as a secondary color, playing a supporting office to some other, stronger, character.
How to use it:

Use greyness if y'all take a serious brand and yous desire to communicate the authority and stability of a corporate establishment. Combine it with blue for the ultimate in conservatism and dependability. It's actually also a very popular color in web design. You may want to consider using gray as an alternative to white for a softer website background—or every bit an alternative to black text for a less harsh contrast and an easier read.
Multicolor is for fun, multifariousness and optimism

What multicolor means:
We've looked at the meanings of individual colors. And so what happens when you lot bring them all together? What feelings are evoked with multicolored designs? Well, while monochromatic branding can bring focus and fashion, colorful branding can evidence that a make is playful, informal and creative.
As you lot can imagine, kids' brands often utilize multicolored designs—think Toys"R"Us or Crayola—only grown-up brands can become creative too! Google uses multiple colors in its logo to correspond the playfulness of the make. An interesting case is ebay, which had a similarly colorful logo up until 2017 when it simplified its logo to one color in its marketing (although the colored logo is still used on the website). Likewise, Apple tree evolved its logo from the multicolored striped apple to a sleeker silverish one.
How to apply it:

Why cull one when you can cull them all?! Using many colors in your branding and designs can be a great way to stand out, bear witness your playfulness and entreatment to children or a more creative audience. Think virtually whether you want to use complementary colors to provide a real 'pop' (colors that are opposites on the colour wheel, for example, purple and orange), analogous colors for greater harmony (colors that sit next to each other, for example, red, orange and yellow) or triadic colors for a more dynamic consequence (colors that are evenly spaced around the color bike). You lot tin read more nigh these different color combinations in this commodity on color theory.
Gold, silvery, statuary and other metallics are for wealth, prosperity and success
What metallics mean:
Gold and silvery are both precious metals, associated with riches and expensive jewelry. Often combined with black, calculation a touch on of glimmering metal can immediately give a make that element of glamor. Gold is besides the color of a winner, associated as it is with the medal for showtime place, and can represent success. It'due south a warm color related to xanthous and every bit a result shares the attributes of feeling bright and cheerful. Silver is cooler and a little less luxurious, coming in at 2d place simply even so representing grace and elegance. Third-place bronze captures the qualities of brown so information technology's more bawdy, natural and mature.
Rolex uses a gold crown in its logo, while Lamborghini and Porsche utilise elements of gold as well. The Louis Vuitton monogram could be said to be gold and brown (although the gold shade is actually chosen 'dirt!'). Clearly, aureate is the color of luxury! On the other hand, silver is used a lot in car logos—VW, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan, Audi, Mercedes—where it denotes quality and workmanship.
How to apply them:

Metal effects can exist hard to recreate online—they're more than materials really, or textures, than they are colors. Gold is essentially a shiny yellow, silvery is shiny gray and statuary shiny brown. You can nonetheless propose metal tones on a website or in a logo using shading and highlighting but the full impact will exist seen on printed materials where you tin can use a foil to become that metal sheen. For a look that instantly says 'luxury', yous tin't go wrong with blackness and gold.
Know your color meanings

So there you go, an epic journey through colors and emotions.
Of form, it's not an exact science. People may have personal preferences that override whatever deeper biological tendencies, cultures vary in their interpretations and there may exist other things you want to take into consideration also.
Now that you know the rules, yous can play around with them and run into what works for you. Experience gratuitous to break them, as well, you crazy insubordinate y'all. Just make sure that you're doing it on purpose and non choosing crazy color combinations without any consideration of what consequence they might have.
At present that you know what each color means, do yous want to know how to choose the perfect colors for your business concern? This article on choosing branding colors volition teach y'all everything you need to know.
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Source: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/color-meanings/
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